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A letter to the community of St. Leo from Father Steve.

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Meet Father Steve Kim, the new St. Leo Pastor starting July 1!

¡Conozca al padre Steve Kim, el nuevo pastor de St. Leo a partir del 1 de julio!

Dear Parishioners,

It is with great joy that we welcome you back to Mass in person!

Please take a look at the revised outside patio Mass schedule starting Saturday, July 18th.

(All Outside Masses in the Patio with 60 people limit)

Daily Mass:

Saturday Vigil:

7:30am English
9:30am English
11:30am Spanish
5:00pm English
7:00pm Spanish

Sunday Livestream Mass:
7:30am English
9:30am English
11:30am Spanish

May God continue to bless you,

Fr. Steve


Staying Connected Through Email

We appreciate having your email address so that we may communicate with you in times such as this. Please ask your friends or family who are also parishioners to send us their email addresses as well. This is a critical way in which we can remain connected with everyone.

To receive announcements through email, please email us at:

Please also visit our YouTube channel to stay connected:

Parish Income During This Health Crisis

A few parishioners have asked how they can continue to support the parish while Masses are suspended. They know that when no one is in the pews, we have no income. Although Masses are suspended, bills still need to be paid. It is the custom of many parishioners to place cash or envelopes in the collection basket during Mass. During this suspension, a handful of parishioners conscientiously place their envelopes through the mail slot or send their donation through the mail. However, the best way to consistently support the parish is through online giving. It is a very simple process and would provide the parish with an ongoing stream of income to pay our bills, especially at difficult times such as this.

Online Giving - UPDATE

We will be moving to a different online payment platform called Paybee. Paybee is a company dedicated to helping only non-profits and we have many local Catholic Churches that have switched to use Paybee (St. John Vianney, St. Lucy, St. Francis Assisi, Our Lady of Refuge, etc...). Paybee will cut our transaction fees that costs the Church by more than 50%.


Confessions during this time may be made by calling 408-293-3503 and scheduling an appointment. In addition, Bishop Cantu explains how to make a perfect contrition on this short video when confession is not available:

Perfect Contrition and Spiritual Communion

There are devotions through which you can receive absolution for your sins (under certain conditions) and the consolation of Eucharistic grace. These devotions are officially encouraged by the Church and have been practiced by saints.

How to make an Act of Perfect Contrition

Through an act of Perfect Contrition, you receive pardon for your sins outside of confession, even mortal sins, on condition that you determine to amend your life and make a firm resolution to go to sacramental confession as soon as this becomes possible for you.

Perfect Contrition is a grace from God, so sincerely ask for this gift throughout the day prior to making your act of contrition: “My God, grant me perfect contrition for all my sins”.

  1. In reality or imagination kneel at the foot of a crucifix and say to yourself: “Jesus, my God and my Savior, in the midst of your agony, you remembered me, you suffered for me, you wished to wipe away my sins”.

  2. Contrition is ‘perfect’ if you repent of your sins because you love God and are sorry for offending him and causing the sufferings of Christ on the cross. Before the Crucified Christ remember your sins, repent of them because they have brought our Lord to his sufferings on the Cross. Promise him, that with his help, you will not sin again.

  3. Recite, slowly and sincerely, an act of contrition focused on the goodness of God and your love of Jesus: “O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you and by the help of your grace I will not sin again. Amen”.

  4. Make a firm resolution to go to sacramental confession as soon as practically possible.

How to make a Spiritual Communion

The key to Spiritual Communion is to grow in your heart a constant desire for the Blessed Sacrament

  1. If you are aware of serious or mortal sin, make an Act of Perfect Contrition.

  2. Imagine the sacred words and actions of the Mass or watch online or on TV.

  3. Make all those acts of faith, humility, sorrow, adoration, love and desire that you usually express before Holy Communion.

  4. Desire, with earnest longing, to receive our Lord present — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — in the Blessed Sacrament.

  5. Say this prayer of St. Alphonsus de' Ligouri: “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you are already there, I embrace you and unite myself wholly to you; do not let me ever be separated from you. Amen.

  6. After moments of silent adoration make all those acts of faith, humility, love, thanksgiving and offering that you usually express through prayers after Holy Communion.

Food, Financial Assistance, Housing, and More

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley is partnering with other agencies in our area to ensure that those who are most vulnerable have their needs met. It's website is a valuable resource for anyone needing assistance:

Please be sure to share this with anyone you know who could benefit by it.

To receive announcements through email, please email us at: